Welcome to Our Vida, Soul Warriors!

I’m Ricardo Esquivel.

I’ve always dreamt of creating a safe harbor where transformational healing could occur.

After 10 years of groundwork, it was during the world pandemic that it became evident to me that Our Vida did not necessarily have to be a physical location, but rather a virtual space where we could come together to experience a sense of peace, joy, inclusion, support, reflection, and community. 

You might be wondering why the name “Our Vida?”. Our Vida (Our Life) – is a reflective embrace of my personal bilingual, bicultural life in English & Spanish. Our Vida is committed to providing services in both languages thus making it possible for Our Vida to unite a broader community.

Our Vida’s
mission is to provide you with resources to enhance your life’s purpose and meaning through total well-being and a “wholistic lifestyle.” These resources include transformational coaching, Reiki, ayurvedic practices, meditation, biophilic design, and retreats.

As you click on each section, my hope is that you get to know me, as the founder, and discover what Our Vida has to offer.

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Ever since I can recall, I have perceived the world around me differently

Since childhood and to his day, I talk and sing to plants…each new bloom gets a ‘Happy Birthday.”  I was meditating before I had ever heard that term. I’m an avid observer of people and their behaviors. I dance to connect to self, use plants to heal and nurture the body, and draw and paint as a creative outlet to process and digest emotions.

I have often been called oversensitive, and it took me years to embrace this part of myself.  I came to see it as a gift that allows me to navigate through circumstances and life’s daily assignments with conscious present awareness. 

This awareness allows me to apply the tools I’ve acquired to make conscious, intentional choices. I also use it to forgive myself with loving kindness as I continue to learn to embrace the shifts & the lessons that come with the ebbs and flows of everyday life.

Living life on life’s terms is not an easy task, regardless of the tools and resources we have acquired along the way. Having faced trauma and addiction in my own personal journey has provided the groundwork and foundation for the birth of Our Vida. I am thrilled and honored to be able to share it all with you.

Whether you are searching to enhance your life or deepen its meaning for you, Our Vida is that home where I will hold space for you as you embark on a powerful, courageous, loving journey of self-discovery and soul transformation.

It is also a space where you will find inspiration, through its resources and online shop. Our shop offers creations that have been designed by me and carry my last name – “Esquivel” (eh ski vell).

You’ll also discover other designers’ work and pieces that have been individually curated with the intention that as you enjoy them, they will gift you a “wholistic lifestyle” through enhanced well-being, creativity, and clarity of thought.