Our Vida Inc. focuses on holistic lifestyle improvements for clients to find peace both inside and out. Below is a list of our offerings.

Biophilic Design Concepts

A soft whispering shift has begun to change the way people think about their spaces; the environments we live in, both personally and professionally.  It is an invitation…an embrace of the outdoors indoors.  A way to improve people’s lives – an insight supported by research.

Having worked on both commercial and home interior designs in the past, it is in working with small spaces that my creativity thrives.  This is why I have made this my niche.  Together you and I will explore the language of biophilic design using personalized tools that will help us co-create an environment that speaks to your soul on a daily basis – a place where total well-being can be experienced.

Lean more about our Space Planning service.

Transformational Coaching
Why do I feel stuck and unmotivated? Why do I find myself questioning my life and where I am right now? Is there something better - is this the way things should be? Why do I crave change, but don’t know where to start or where to turn to? Is my physiology talking to me and am I listening? What can I do? Where and what are the answers?

If you find yourself asking these questions, and sense that you lack a sense of direction…a compass in your life, then I’d like you to consider total well-being transformational coaching.

Our Vida’s total well-being transformational coaching is personalized to meet your individual needs.

Learn more about Transformational Coaching.


The word “REIKI” comes from the Japanese and means universal life force energy.  Some practitioners describe Reiki as acupuncture without the needles.  Reiki assists the body in healing itself and is totally natural and “wholistic”.  It also balances the body’s energies, thus bringing body, mind and spirit into proper alignment.  The application of Reiki begins a process of self-transformation and enlightenment.  I use Reiki along with transformational coaching techniques to promote a “wholing” process which births physical, emotional and mental health.

Learn more about our Reiki Sessions.


Ayurveda Consultation
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing system that originated in ancient India.   The purpose of ayurveda is to help us return to our natural state of health, balance and wholeness.

In ayurveda, health is not just the absence of disease.  Health is a state of expanded consciousness or awareness that guides us to optimal well-being, enhanced creativity, and joy.  Together we will identify your needs and co-create a daily Ayurvedic health practice plan which allows you to live a more wholistic conscious life.

Learn more about our Ayurveda Consultations.


Meditation is often described as the antidote to stress. It is certainly not a cure for everything that is going wrong in your life, but with time it becomes one of the most powerful life force tools to help you navigate with clarity, endurance and peace.  It becomes the compass that always leads you to your true authentic self.
Learn more about our Guided Meditation Sessions.


Workshops / Retreats
Our Vida provides workshops and retreats for groups. Experience Reiki, Meditation, Sound Healing, and Ayurvedic Health as a group. Ideal for couples, events, small or large groups.

Request a holistic workshop.