
“In Ayurveda, consciousness is the key.”

The purpose of ayurveda is to help us return to our natural state of health, balance and wholeness. In ayurveda, health is not just the absence of disease.  Health is a state of expanded consciousness or awareness that guides us to optimal well-being, enhanced creativity, and joy.  It guides us to be part of our own healing process.

What is the purpose of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a consciousness-based approach to health and healing.  At our essence, we are pure consciousness or spirit.  It is the changeless core of our being in an ever-changing world – both around us and within us.  Consciousness has no beginning or end, no space or time.  It has infinite organizing power, makes quantum leaps of creativity, and moves naturally in the direction of growth.  When you consciously connect to this field of infinite possibilities, quantum leaps of creativity and healing can occur. 

Science is beginning to understand the nature of the world in a way that parallels the ideas of ayurveda. The science of Quantum Physics now tells us that everything in creation - including our physical body - is actually made up of sub-atomic particles moving at lightning speeds through vast, empty spaces.  Ayurveda challenges us to shift our perception and consciously participate in this dynamic, ever-changing dance.

The moment we shift the focus of our attention, new possibilities for health, happiness and spiritual awakening become available to us.  These possibilities for health, happiness, and inner peace exist within our own consciousness, and we enliven them through the power of our intention.

Why to book an Ayurveda Consultation with Our Vida:

I studied Ayurveda and am a certified Chopra Global Health Instructor. Together we will identify your needs and co-create a daily Ayurvedic health practice plan, which allows you to live a more wholistic conscious life. Your Ayurvdic practice is tailored to you, and may include movement, mediation, diet, and other practices.